Monday, September 2, 2013

Here We Go Again...

It's so hard to believe that another school year has begun...

It seems like only yesterday I was attending classes to obtain my certification to teach.  I encountered some resistance; there are those in "academia" who believe that if one doesn't receive a 'degree in teaching,' then one isn't prepared to be effective in the classroom.

I (totally) beg to differ.  When I began my classes to obtain an "alternative certification" to teach, I already had completed my BBA (graduated Suma Cum Laud), an my MBA (4.0 with a concentration in Finance).  Moreover, I had 18 years experience in business and industry (not to mention the 'School of Life").

Thanks to the experienced teachers in Region IV (and my mentor, Diane E), I was prepared to enter the classroom.  My first year in the classroom was successful.  Just ask Annahy... she's an amazing young woman.  I'm not sure that I can really take any credit for where she is today, but I believe she learned from my experiences.

Since then, I continue to stretch and grow 'beyond my original programming.'  I've come to realize that if I want to continue excellence in teaching, I must be willing to be a life-long learner.  To that end...

This year my campus has initiated a goal to integrate Edmodo into our curriculum.  I wasn't sure how I would 'feel' about incorporating another Web2.0 tool into my 'belt,' but I've come to love Edmodo in a very short period of time.

I can create, schedule, monitor, review, and grade assignments all in one place.  Awesomesauce.  I can monitor, confer, and give feedback to students in mostly real time.  Again, awesomesauce.

I have a renewed sense of vigor into my teaching...I can hardly wait to see what unfolds during this 12th year of my teaching...

A special shout out to the "23 Things" for introducing me to Julie Lindsay and Vickie Davis...this set me on the highway to integrating Web2.0 in my classroom!

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