Sunday, September 28, 2008

Can You Say 'Mentor?' I Knew You Could...

This semester I have been awarded the privilege of mentoring a wonderful colleague as she completes her student teaching. It's a daunting, yet invigorating venture.

Kim is wonderful. She has her undergrad in Marketing, an MBA, and spent a number of years in banking. She left business/industry because she feels a calling to teach high school (read my bio, sounds a lot like me, huh?) and make a real difference in the lives of young people.

I'm really enjoying working with Kim. She's bright, witty, thinks creatively, and interacts well with the students. She's also very detailed...more so than me. I'm more of a big picture person and sometimes I miss little details (like misspelled words on my lesson plans for example). I have to really concentrate and recheck things to be sure I don't embarrass myself whenever I post my lesson plans or update my teacher website. Kim seems to be a natural at catching those things...kudos, Kim!!

This semester my Business Education Independent Study class is participating in the Flat Classroom 2008 Project. I just began learning Web2.0 this past summer, so I'm really 'stoked' about participating in this...I feel a little inadequate, but nonetheless very excited. It's also given my an opportunity to teach Kim about Web2.0, thus strengthening my own skills. I know that Kim has joined Twitter (sure wish I could access Twitter at school--makes it hard to keep up with people since I can't!!) I'm hoping that she'll start blogging soon, too.

In any case, Kim sees the immense benefits to incorporating Web2.0 into her curriculum, so I have no doubt that when she begins teaching full time, she'll utilize blogs, wikis, nings...all kinds of great stuff that will create those relevant connections students need to make meaning and internalize the material.

Oh, and we've already had our talk about Tom's awesome post on this for more information. She had an entire class on the "Wong Way" of 'doing things.'

I digress. I'm hoping to help Kim connect with some of the educators I've been introduced to since beginning my journey into Web2.0 this summer. If you have the chance, look her up on Twitter (her user name is kaclayton) and introduce yourself...welcome her to teaching!

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